Fractions and equivalents – math games for 4th grade

This game helps children practice the equivalents of fractions by comparing them to other fractions. Click the Play button below to begin practising.
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Fractions equivalents: Fractions are usually written as one number on top of another, separated by a line. Fractions can appear deceptively bigger or smaller than other fractions. As such, it is not always evident to children. With this game, kids will learn to understand fractions in the context of size. For instance, 1/3 is still the same as 4/12.  Read More
To help compare fractions by halves, thirds, fourths, as well as compare them, this game helps fourth grade math learners to develop these essential skills.

Fractions and decimals are parts of numbers. When students are in 4th grade they become more familiar with how fractions are used and also how fractions are compared to each other and to decimals. Knowing how numbers relate to each other is part of the basic number sense children develop in primary grades and continue to build on in middle and upper grades, so math education makes logical sense. In Fractions and Equivalents game, kids will practice their understanding of fractions in the context of size. For instance, 1/3 is the same as 4/12.  When comparing fractions by halves, thirds and fourths, this game helps fourth grade math learners to develop and practice these essential skills. After each question, the player will be directed to a screen with a colorful monkey, who will dig up a banana or coconut for correct answers, but will end up an old shoe for incorrect answers. At the end of the game, students will be awarded stars according to the amount of correct answers. This game is perfect for learning center rotations. Read Less